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Tyler Lot 21 Con. 12 abt 11216 Pinehurst Line
Original message goes back to Gordon and Donna Dickson...
Alexander Tyler and Catherine Newcomb Tyler were pioneers of Harwich Township. Writer could not locate burial site so wondered if they might have been buried on the farm. As well as the person on another stone there.
They had a daughter Catherine born near McGergor's Creek on Sept 4 1841. Married in Feb of '60 to Thomas Woofenden of Concession 9 Harwich.
Catherine Tyler Woofenden died Nov 20 1918. Husband Thomas died July 31 1909 at age 76 years 1 month 14 days. Possibly found them in Newcomb Cemetery but writer can't say for sure.
Other children in Tyler family were Elizabeth, Joseph, and William Earl.
The people found a stone on their land a number of years ago. It was to a son of the Tyler family.
Finders were Tony and Florence Vsetula. RR2 11216 Pinehurst Line. Kent Bridge. Phone 519-676-2534.
Does this ring a bell with anything you have found before? I think that this comes actually from Gord and Donna somehow.