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Rectangular Ground Level Stones

Raising these stones and things to watch for.

Note the wide rim of gravel around
the stones for drainage and the gravel
between the stones to take care of
weeds. Photo by John Skakel

These stones are so common today yet even today they are already being banned in some cemeteries. The problem is that these simply disappear so very quickly under the sod. We suggest that if they are below ground level that you consider raising them. Now then the problem comes in that there is no size rule with these. Some of them are only maybe 15 cm thick. You can easily place a shovel beneath. Work them out. Place gravel under and around them. And put them back. However, others can be as much as a meter and a half "thick" from top to bottom. In these cases you might even need some type of mechanical lifting device to pull them up. (engine lift?) If you are working alone in particular we would suggest that you do a bit of prodding to see how thick the stone is before you begin to work on it.

If you have a number of these in your plot, you might consider taking all soil out between that and making that into a bed of gravel so the mowers do not have to cut in there. That will make the stone's chances of survival with no breakage even better.

Just always remember that as always each of these should be sitting on a bed of gravel beneath them, and have a backfill of gravel all around them to keep mowers back from them and allow proper drainage, etc.

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