This is a PRIVATE website owned by John Skakel. Contact us HERE
Cemeteries Office Staff have asked that users NOT contact them with questions directly.

How to use our Monument Information Pages

To Find Photos of Monuments

Click Photograph to see the Monuments
of Other Cemeteries in
so far completed in Find a Stone Indexes.

For more positive results finding Memorials and/or Information...

  1. It is easiest to find memorials by name in our "Find a Stone" section where they are available in alphabetical order for Wards or Cemeteries that are so far completed. But they are also available to "browse" in our Gallery.
    To search a Cemetery, via alphabetical order of names click the photo above and proceed. If the name is not listed, Search for the name in our "Find a Stone" area using the instructions below. Please remember with such a long list mistakes can occur.
    If Unsuccessful try searching our Gallery.
  2. Most photos here are actually stored in our Gallery and then linked in "Find a Stone" and other areas of our site.
  3. .Photos in "Find a Stone" areas are available in one size only. A larger photo is available in the Gallery using Gallery search below. Once there, click on thumb to see normal size and click again (ONCE!) to see it larger. To print/copy/link to a photo you will find the best photo to use is the one in our Gallery. In the Gallery copying the URL bar as normal to link to, or save a photo does NOT work. If you use Firefox or Chrome, RIGHT CLICK and select "Copy Image Location". For other browsers, just use comparable instructions. Please remember that photos here are copyright to the web site owner.
  4. Please contact cemetery staff for further information on stones not yet photographed.

Please remember when searching that stone carvers often made mistakes in carving names, and that search works for words like "Crimean", or "IOOF" as well as names. If unsuccessful try other spellings, family names, etc

To Search the following areas of our site click the following links...

Old Maple Leaf.

Old St Anthony's.

Preservation/Restoration of Monuments.

Main and Historical.

Other Cemeteries.

Our Gallery Click search on top right. Mark to search "Title", "File", and "Caption". Try to Search for last name ONLY under different spellings. Then expand your search.

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