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Working with the Old Bases

What to do with Old Bases.

Should I dig up old bases or leave them in the ground? Throw them out? Can they be used again? etc.

It is surprising how often we find a base with no stone to go with it. The stone has been take away for some reason. Maintenance people many years ago? Family? Vandolism? There could be many reasons. But remember that the old base does mark the grave of someone still. We suggest bringing it to the surface and using it as a marker in such cases.

Generally we like to bring the bases to the surface. Then we know that they exist if we want to use them again. The can protect the stone next to them. etc.

The first thing to note in regards to bases for old stones is the following. If one end of a stone is over top of a base buried underneath, that end of the stone will drop at a different rate from the end that is simply over soil or gravel. Always be sure that if you lay a stone flat that it is not laying over top of a base. If/when a lawn mower runs over it, it will be broken easily.

Remember that, as you do more and more work at this job you may want to restore old bases. Some could be restored. Some cannot. But if you leave bases buried you are somewhat at least burning your bridges as they say. We like to bring up any that we find if at all possible. You will also find though that this can take huge amounts of gravel. Generally we use soil and sod under the base. Where we would never do that with a stone.

To raise a base we often lift one end with one or two bars. Put soil or gravel under it. And then lift the other gradually walking it to the surface. Much easier than manhandling it all of the way up.

Again though this is pretty much "Learn to do by doing"!

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