This site was founded by the late John Skakel. Contact us HERE
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Historical Documentation of Chatham-Kent Burials

Photographs of Documentation a Century Old and More

Viewing the Historic Book Documenting Burials in Old Maple Leaf
Back to approximately 1880
The Small Black Book Documents Old St Anthony's To Similar Time.
Unfortunately the information for 1871 to 1880 has been lost.

Recently we were given permission to view two different areas of information for Chatham-Kent. One is a collection of old books, many of which date back to a century or more. We feel that it is important to allow people to see and know what is still available in regards to our history from those times. So much of it has been lost. But some of it still does exist and we are so thankful for that. The photo above was taken in the Chatham-Kent Arachives. We want to give Chatham-Kent and The People At The Archives a HUGE THANK YOU for allowing us to view this information to see what documentation is available when the needs arises to help people with tracing family history and genealogy, etc.

We are so proud of one family who recently turned in a very large amount of information for the Butler Cemetery near Croton. This involves a map that we feel has to date back to at least the Turn of the Century. (1900.) This is a map of a fairly large cemetery where the last monument date is 1966. And the map is of the cemetery only half sold. Unfortunately we have so far not been able to find the name of the family involved. We would so much like to know who these people are so that we can Thank them Personally!

It is amazing how much we have been able to learn from documents like these. Did you know for instance that Old Maple Leaf and Old St Anthony's were co-administered pretty much from the start

The books in the Chatham-Kent Archives

See Photographs of some of this material In Regards To Maple Leaf and St Anthony's