This site was founded by the late John Skakel. Contact us HERE
Cemeteries Office Staff have asked that users NOT contact them with questions directly.

The Robbins Stone
In Buxton Cemetery
Located very near the Buxton Museum Building

Chatham-Kent's Early Black Settlers and

The People of the Underground Railroad

Page to be deleted in future

Chatham-Kent contains a number of the Northern Stations of the famous Underground Railroad. And we have a very rich history here involving those of the Black African Culture. Many of whom came before and after that time as well.

People like Josiah Hanson and Rev King who were instrumental in the building of two Communities here that were the centres that gave the escaped slaves the education that they needed to begin to prosper in this huge country. And Josiah of course was supposedly the inspiration for the book "Uncle Tom's Cabin"! Rev Hiram Wilson and John Scoble.

Included here are the graves of some of the folks who were so instrumental in making Chatham-Kent what it is today. We hope that you will follow the link to each and every one of these old cemetetries to see the names of these early settlers and think of what their lives, or the lives of their ancestors were like after they got here to what many of them thought of as "The land of freedom".

Follow the Star to each of the Cemeteries

Please realize that not all monuments in every cemetery are monuments to these people!
There are so many monuments in almost every cemetery. But this area of our web site is to note those cemeteries that contain areas that contain a number of families.

 ............... South Buxton Cemetery, Raleigh Twp 

 ............... Cromwell Cemetery, Raleigh Twp 

 ............... Coming this summer!  But photographs not available yet.  The Buxton Cemetery located at the Buxton Museum between Museum and Church.

 ............... Black Cemetery, Chatham Twp 

Located beside Countryview Golf Course this cemetery was formerly documented as "N.... (racist word) Cemetery". We do not know it's name. It is very possible that it never did have an actual name.

 ............... Coming this summer!  But photographs not available yet.  The Cemetery near South Buxton on old '98 just East of Shadd on South side of road in a small bush.

 ............... Handsor Cemetery, Dover Twp