This site was founded by the late John Skakel. Contact us HERE
Cemeteries Office Staff have asked that users NOT contact them with questions directly.

The Buildings and Roads of Old Saint Anthony's

And Old Maple Leaf

The beautiful stained glass window in the old mausoleum
Note the upside down torch
A symbol of a life extinguished
Click on Photo to link to Our Gallery

The Cemeteries' Roads, Bridges, and Gates.

The little bit that we know on how and when the roads and bridges were constructed, etc.

The Old Mausoleum.

Information on how the crypts are ventilated to avoid smells, etc.

The Mortuary at St Anthony's.

The Remembrances of a Senior Citizen. Interior and Exterior photos and diagrams. The round glass window.

History of the Mortuary at Maple Leaf.

Including diagram of the interior. Possible changes. Why it's history is so confusing. etc.

The old Caretaker's Houses and other small buildings of Maple Leaf.

Now destroyed.

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