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A Planet Reporter takes a Stroll

The beautiful stained glass window in the old mausoleum
Note the upside down torch
A symbol of a life extinguished
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A Planet Reporter takes a Stroll.

Chatham Tri-Weekly Planet 8 April 1889

A Planet reporter took a stroll last Sunday to the cemetery. Squire Sainsbury was sunning himself outside the fence looking well pleased and in good condition, and thinking, no doubt , of his peaceable tenants. The dark, rich foliage of the evergreens contrasted finely with the purity of the white marble. Some of the polished Scotch granite monuments would not be out of place in a metropolitan burying ground. One of them, massive and costly, but badly foundationed, leaned tower of Pisa fashion. Two things are needed in the cemetery. There should be a pavilion, or at least a shed to shelter visitors caught in sudden rain, and it must be remembered that the cemetery is the objective point of many a summer's walk. Again, at present, relatives and friends who wish to water the flowers are awkwardly situated, having to run the risk of stepping into the creek. Why could not steps be made down to the water.